Monash launches Upparel recycling trial for old uniforms

Published on 08 August 2023

Textile recycling bin

We are excited to announce we are trialling a new textile recycling program for Monash Council uniforms.

In Australia, 6,000kg of clothes is sent to landfill every 10 minutes.

Reducing the amount of textiles Council employees send to landfill will help to reduce this amount, as well further support Council’s move to a more circular economy.

During the trial, staff can drop off their old uniforms at a designated drop-off box located at its Operations Centre Store.

Donated Monash uniforms will be shredded by Upparel and used by Australian manufacturers to make new products like carpet underlay, cushion stuffing and pet beds.

Any good quality (non branded) clothes may be donated to charity partners.

Upparel is a Victorian-based business and recycles all materials locally, guaranteeing no exporting of textiles and no landfilling.

This initiative starts with recycling but also requires us to think about how and where a product is made, before we think about buying it.

This will include looking for local companies that provide circular goods (reuse, repair, refurbishment, remanufacture).

Buying quality goods that are made to last can also reduce the cost of regularly needing new items.  

Following the six-month trial, Council will evaluate how it works, what it costs, if improvements could be made and seek feedback from staff.  If successful, Council will look to explore further drop off locations. 

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