Environmental Sustainability Strategy

Euneva solar panels

In March 2016, Monash Council adopted a 10-year Environmental Sustainability Strategy, which guides our decision-making and delivery of services and programs. This goes towards achieving our vision of the City of Monash becoming an innovative and environmentally sustainable garden city. By working towards our environmental commitments set out in the strategy, we aim to strengthen our actions to care for and protect our local wildlife, the environment and the Monash community.

View the strategy: 

Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2016-2026(PDF, 8MB)

Strategy Summary(PDF, 1MB)

Key drivers of the strategy include:

  • Maintaining and improving the municipality's tree canopy cover and ecological health
  • Reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill and Council's use of fresh water
  • Educating (and encouraging) Council staff and our community to understand environmental sustainability concepts and to implement solutions
  • Reducing our energy and greenhouse gas emissions in our homes and day-to-day life

Several feasibility studies and reports have been completed to provide the necessary data and information needed to set well-researched targets and guide our actions towards achieving the goals of our Environmental Sustainability Strategy and creating a more sustainable Monash. 

The strategy supersedes Monash's Environmental Sustainability Road Map(PDF, 3MB) which ended in 2015. One of that plan's major goals was to reduce Council's greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020. This goal was achieved through the delivery of key actions including the installation of energy-efficient globes in 8,000 local streetlights in 2015.

You can view our progress in the below Annual Reports:

2022-23 Report:

View print version of the 2022-23 report:

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2022-23(PDF, 4MB)

To request the Report in another format, please contact our Sustainable Monash team on 9518 3555 or email sustainability@monash.vic.gov.au

2021-22 Report:

View print version of the 2021-22 report: 

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2021-22(PDF, 2MB)

View web version of the 2021-22 report:

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2021-22: web version(PDF, 329KB)

2020-21 Report:

Annual Report 2020-21(PDF, 6MB)

Annual Report 2020-21 - Accessible(PDF, 554KB)

2019-20 Report: 

Annual Report 2019-20(PDF, 4MB)

Annual Report 2019- 20 - Accessible(PDF, 613KB)

2018-19 Report: 
Annual Report 2018- 19(PDF, 13MB)

Annual Report 2018- 19 - Accessible(PDF, 472KB)

2017-18 Report: 
Annual Report 2017-18(PDF, 5MB)  

2016-17 Report: 
Annual Report 2016-17(PDF, 3MB)

More Information

If you would like to request a copy of the annual reports or the Environmental Sustainability Strategy in another format, or you have any questions, please contact the Sustainable Monash Team on 9518 3555 or email sustainability@monash.vic.gov.au